flying elk
book cover design, photo art, and
editing services
When you take up your camera and point it towards your children, your pets, your friends marrying in church, that fabulous and unbelievably beautiful sunset on your vacation, do you have a vision of how it will turn out? Does it turn out as you were hoping for? If not, then our editing services is something for you.
You simply take your digital photo file and send it over to us. For only $10.00 per photo we help you edit it so that it looks like a pro has taken your photo.


Just remember that the quality of the end product depends on what kind of device you used to take the photo with.
The before-photo was taken with an older cell phone, which means that it has more "noise" in it than if it had been taken with a point-and-shoot or a digital camera. The light will also be of importance. A very dark or a very light photo will show more "noise" than a leveled photo. You might not be able to print a huge 10x30 from it, but you will definitely be able to print a nicely looking 5x7 or put it up on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest or Instagram.