flying elk
book cover design, photo art, and
editing services
Single Prices
Single Prices - CDs
Session planning ....................... $25.00
Session fee ................................. $50.00
Photo editing ............................. $200.00
Single photo, printed ................ $15.00
Collage (dep. on size), starts at $20.00
Pack of 10 cards, incl. text ....... $25.00
Fine Art (dep. on size) starts at $100.00
CD with all photos ............................. $250.00
CD with 20 photos of your choice .... $125.00
Additional photo on CD ..................... $10.00
All bundles and all single prices are non-refundable. This includes the session planning and the session fee.
All prices listed are excluded tax.
Albertan tax will apply to all prices.
Business bundle
Graduation bundle
You have a business and want to do some marketing. FEP takes photos of you and your work environment.
Session planning, 15 minutes
Session, 30 minutes
Editing of photos
10 photos on a CD
............................................................... $300.00
Yay, you're graduating! FEP would love to take your photographs and make it personal just for you. Are you graduating from the Arts? Come with a skull or a bucket of paint or a kid xylophone. Are you graduating from Pol Sci? Bring a miniature of the House of Commons. Really tired of studying? Let’s take photos of you throwing your books in a garbage bin. Are you looking for a more traditional photo? Don’t worry, we take those too.
Session planning, 15 minutes
Changing-into-dress/suit/gown, 30 minutes
Session, 1 hour​
Editing of photos
10 photos of your choice on a CD
5 photos of your choice, printed
.................................................................................................. $200.00
Special event bundle
You are hosting a special event and want to capture this with photos that you later want to share on your website. FEP can help you with this.
Session planning, 30 minutes
Session (before/during/after the event)
Editing of photos​
30 photos of your choice on a CD
20 printed photos of your choice
$250.00 for the first hour
$125.00 per additional hour up to 8 hours
$175.00 per additional hour after that